Use feature columns to highlight key information of one or multiple sections. Featured columns can be aligned, left, center, right and further styled using icons and boxes.
To help you get started with your web app landing or homepage, we’ve provided 4 variations of the web app concept, including a one-page demo as well.
Want to make a layout your own. No problem, we’ve prepared every section as a separate element that you can insert and modify using Visual Composer Page Builder.
Building WordPress landing pages for your web app? No problem, override global headers and footers on a per page basis to get a totally unique look for your page layout.
Want to make a layout your own. We’ve prepared every section as a separate element that you can insert and modify using Visual Composer Page Builder.
To help you get started with your web app landing or homepage, we’ve provided 4 variations of the web app concept, including a one-page demo as well.
Speed up your workflow by inserting layouts into the page you’re working on. Access layouts and sections from our custom built-in template library.
Sartre is a multipurpose WordPress theme with a focus on creative agencies and freelancers.
Discover MoreTo help you get started with your web app landing or homepage, we’ve provided 4 variations of the web app concept, including a one-page demo as well.
Want to make a layout your own. No problem, we’ve prepared every section as a separate element that you can insert and modify using Visual Composer Page Builder.
Speed up your workflow by inserting entire layouts into the page you are working on. Access all layouts and sections directly from our custom built-in template library.
Building WordPress landing pages for your web app? No problem, override global headers and footers on a per page basis to get a totally unique look for your page layout.
Use one of our 30+ animations to animate columns as they enter into view.
We’ve taken the necessary steps to ensure Sartre loads fast & scores high in tests like GTMatrix and Pingdom.
Sartre can be easily adapted to any project you may have, from a design studio to a mobile app and travel agencies.
With every purchase of Sartre you get access to extensive documentation as well as narrated, hi-resolution video tutorials
To help you get started with your web app landing or homepage, we’ve provided 4 variations of the web app concept, including a one-page demo as well.
Speed up your workflow by inserting entire layouts into the page you are working on. Access all layouts and sections directly from our custom built-in template library.
Want to make a layout your own. No problem, we’ve prepared every section as a separate element that you can insert and modify using Visual Composer Page Builder.
Building WordPress landing pages for your web app? No problem, override global headers and footers on a per page basis to get a totally unique look for your page layout.